Custom Cowhorse

Product ID: JSCH-7247


Tree Shown: Donn Leson
Horn Size: #18
Hardware: Stainless Steel
Cantle Height: 2.5in Cheyenne Roll
Rigging: Skirt
Stirrups: Wooden Nettles
Tooling: F9
– Medium Oiled Rough Out Seat, Jockey, Fenders & Skirt
– Tooled Slick Medium Oiled Swell, Cantle & Backhousing w/ Mahogany Dyed Background & Edges
– Custom Conchos w/ Strings
– 100% Wool Lining
– Hermann Oak Leather
10 year Warranty on Tree

Seat Sizes: 14-19in

Write the Leather Color OR “as shown”:
To see the Color selection for your Saddle Click Here
(this will open a separate window so you don’t loose your place)

If multiple colors please write specifically what you require below

To see tooling patterns, or if you want it the same as the picture put “as shown”
Click Here
This will open a new window, so you do not lose your place!

Write the Concho Number below:
To see our Concho Collection Click Here
(this will open a separate window so you don’t lose your place)

Buck Stitching Options

Buck Stitching Colors

Select from options below:
To see the Buck Stitching Color selection Click Here
(this will open a separate window so you don’t loose your place)

Seat Upgrades/Padded Seat

Seat Cover Material Choice & Color

Write your seat cover choice and color below:
To see our Seat Cover choices Click Here
(this will open a separate window so you don’t lose your place) *Write “ADD PADDING’ here as well if you would only like to add padding to the existing seat covering.

Additional Requirements:

Any additional requirements may change the cost and will be billed separately before your order will be placed. ex.) make as a light weight/single skirt, add logo/brand/name, send in your own conchos or hardware, use shorter #9 fenders, etc…

I understand any additional requirements MAY change the cost and will be billed separately before your order will be placed. *

Select this option even if no additional requirements are added.

Shipping & Return Policy Agreement *

To read our Return/Shipping Policies Click Here
(this will open a separate window so you don’t loose your place)

Helpful Online Ordering Suggestion *

Many Banks and Credit Card Companies may have spending limits or flag larger purchases as suspicious for your credit protection. We recommend notifying your Bank/Credit Card Company BEFORE purchasing a saddle through our website so your Saddle Order/s does not fail.

* Review & Confirm Saddle Order *

By selecting the “Approved” option below you fully agree to the following; I have fully reviewed and double-checked my website custom saddle order prior to submitting. Every customization is as I requested. The outcome and all design features of the finished saddle are as I marked in this saddle order.

SKU: JSCH-7247 Category:


Allow 10 to 12+ Weeks to Complete.