Saddle Order Form

Clover Help desk: We manufacture thousands of saddles a year.  Each item is unique and once it is sold
• it should no longer be a part of the inventory list.
• We do want to be able to access the history of each saddle sale in case the buyer wants to reorder or has problems.
• We offer Custom Orders and In-Stock Saddles.
- on the Custom Orders is it possible to email a copy of the order to
• Note: Selection of items add additional cost which changes the total. See how form works for example.
• additional cost are shown in the form.
Any questions please call  or text 469-348-4928. I prefer a text before calling. (I get way too many sales calls a day)

Please input desired tree and specifications
Example: Rough-out Seat and Fenders
Example: Floral Corners with Knife Cut Borders